Sunday, November 16, 2008

Melancholy in November

Hi everyone. First off, thanks to everyone who made me feel confident in my hasty glasses decision. So far, I'm loving them. I only wear them at work, as I find them hard to get used to in my normal life. I'll see something in my glasses-free peripheral and it will throw me off. Luckily, I only really need them for work. I'm sure if I weren't in Iraq and driving at night, they would be a great asset, but as I drive like once a month, and it's just a quick stop to the post office or big PX, I don't need 'em.

Also, special thank you to Mom and Dad who have made my holidays go so much easier. Due to the lack of volunteers and their amazing generosity, I now have someone I can count on to receive holiday packages and make sure they get to the right person. I haven't decided what, but you two are getting something extra special for Christmas. Truly, you have taken a load off my shoulders.

So, on to the melancholy part. I'm actually doing really well. The weather is just about perfect, a constantly sunny fall with cool breezes. I love it. Work is about the same, learning some new things, finding new morons to complain about, and enjoying Dave's ornery stories about when he was an iron worker. He's got some great ones. He truly has lived a thousand lives and how he is still alive amazes me. I'm just in my usual funk that I get in after reading the Harry Potter series. I planned to reread it to help me get over my let-down feeling from October being over. Well, it worked too well. I'm still amazed at how well these books ensnare me, though I know everything that is going to happen. I even took yesterday afternoon off (3 hours really) to finish the Deathly Hallows because once you start from "A Final Hiding Place", you can't stop. It was magnificent, not that I expected anything different. But I am filled with the overwhelming depression that comes when you know few things will ever meet up to that experience. Much like seeing "Return of the King" or watching the series finale of Gilmore Girls, you are so happy to have been along for the ride, but so sad to say goodbye. I know it's the mark of a good artist when you can feel so deeply for a fictional character, and boy, do they make me feel.

I have a stack of books that I have been so excited to read, and held off until finishing Harry Potter. Now they seem dull and hold no interest for me. I know this will pass, it always does, but for the next few days, I'm going sulk in the absence of Harry, and just hope that one day, another artist will come close to creating the happiness these books bring me. In the meantime, I plan to take my overly high expectations out on a Stephen King novel. He can handle it and I would hate to think I didn't give a more worthy novel a chance. I'm thinking either Watership Down or Pride and Prejudice after Stephen King. Or maybe something non-fiction, like The Nine. Any suggestions???


Tamara said...

I'm sorry to hear you're in such a rut. Those are NEVER any fun. Steven & I were just talking about you yesterday, and we were wondering if you wanted anything...we've planning on sending a package soon, so if there is anything specific...please tell! ♥ you, and don't worry...the eyeglass craze will end soon...seeing out the sides/bottom/top always annoyed me at first...but soon, it will all seem too natural to even think about.

Emily S. said...

oh, man... i KNOW that funk well...
I do i do. But I will tell you this-- when you talked about"saying goodbye" to a character you know so well, the book that instantly popped into my head was Watership Down. For what it's worth. and perhaps it won't weave its spell on you like it did me, Joe, my BFF Katie, and so many others... but I deeply hope it does!

Shall we talk soon?

Jeanne, the mom and grandmom said...

Well, have you read any Orson Scott Card? As you know, I haven't read a book of his I didn't like. And, I HIGHLY recommend "Enchanted". I could send it if you like....

When you DO read Pride and Prejudice, I will send the two DVD versions we have. I just immersed myself in those this past week and I was very happy. I have the BBC one ordered on my Netflix...

Steve said...

Three words for you, sis- Good. Night. Moon.

It has so many layers, it's like a flaky Pillsbury biscuit. And the end, at the last "Good Night".....Niagara Falls, Frankie (name that movie).

Okay, I am an idiot, but I really feel kind of regretful that I was never able to get so engrossed in something that it consumed me (in a good way). I was out of the country for the last two LotR releases, and had to take a hiatus from the HP series as well. The closest thing I had to a fan obsession was Star Trek and Star Wars (and we see what that did to me), and the closest I've come to being childishly giddy about a movie was "The Dark Knight," but that was an event, not a saga. Maybe for the next movie...

Anyway, take joy in the fact that no matter where you go, you can always go back to the HP world and enjoy it again. It's kind of like (and I'm a dork for saying this)...

Okay, decided not to say it. Too embarrassed. Maybe I'll tell you some other time.

Peeser said...

Hmmm... an immersion-type book, huh? I would recommend Common Sense because Thomas Paine has such a fantastic way of saying things... but that's more intellectual and requires a bit more processing time (much like C.S. Lewis) Though I haven't read Watership Down, from all the amazing things I've heard from Emily, I say go with that.

I know funks like that are frustrating, especially when you feel like you just have to wait for it to end... but I know you'll pull through, especially considering that you will be getting two packages soon (one from Stamara and one from me...)

Hang in there!